Grant Application Guidelines

Last Updated: Sep 21, 2024

The mission of the Takoma Foundation is to make grants that promote a socially, environmentally, economically and culturally healthy Takoma Park community. The Takoma Foundation supports a dynamic, vibrant community that is inclusive, accepting, supportive and understanding.

The Foundation seeks proposals from organizations that promote:

  • Community Connection: Initiatives that build connections between people, encourage resident participation in community life, and foster community involvement and engagement.
  • Youth Empowerment: Programs that actively engage and empower young individuals to become leaders, advocates, and contributors to their communities. Priority is given to initiatives that promote education, mentorship, skill development, and civic engagement for youth.
  • Anti-Racism and Inclusion: Initiatives that actively work toward dismantling systemic racism, promoting inclusion, and ensuring equitable opportunities for all racial and ethnic groups. Priority is given to organizations that foster dialogue, awareness, and collaboration among diverse communities.
  • Support for Vulnerable Populations: Programs that address both the immediate needs and long-term well-being of the most vulnerable populations, including low-income people, immigrants, people with disabilities, and other vulnerable groups. Priority is given to organizations that provide opportunities to residents from marginalized communities that may otherwise be unattainable.

The Foundation strives to allocate funding in the most diverse, fair, and strategic way possible. Precedence is given to proposals from organizations that:

  • contribute to a stronger Takoma community;
  • provide a benefit that would not be achieved without the grant;
  • appear logical, practical, and ready to be implemented;
  • address the needs of low and moderate-income residents; and
  • provide accountability for achieving results.


Community Grants

Grants are designed to support a small* nonprofit organization’s overarching mission. Grants are not restricted to specific projects or programs. They can be used to support utility bills, fundraising, board and leadership development, salaries, meeting expenses, materials, or a specific project—the discretion is left to the grantee. These grants are currently capped at $5,000.

* Small generally refers to nonprofit organizations with annual budgeted revenue of less than $150,000. [ see note 1 ]

Solidarity Grants

Grants are designed to demonstrate support and commitment to the larger* nonprofit organizations doing work that aligns with Takoma Foundation’s mission in greater Takoma. These grants can be used to support the overarching mission. Grants are not restricted to specific projects or programs. These grants are currently capped at $1,000.

* Large generally refers to nonprofit organizations with annual budgeted revenue of more than $150,000. [ see note 1 ]


  • The organization has current 501(c)3 status or has found an organization with 501(c)3 status that has agreed to act as a fiscal sponsor. Individuals and for-profit businesses do not qualify for grants offered by the Foundation.
  • The work of the organization is well-aligned with the mission of the Takoma Foundation and addresses one or more of the Foundation’s priority areas (above).
  • Preference given to organizations with an annual budget of $150,000 or less.

  • Preference will be given to organizations serving the following populations:
    • Youth
    • Underrepresented
    • Underserved
  • The organization principally serves the greater Takoma Park community. This includes the following neighborhoods:
    • City of Takoma Park
    • East Silver Spring
    • Takoma Langley
    • Long Branch
    • Takoma, D.C.
  • An organization may only receive one grant of any type in a 12-month period.
  • In the instance where a non-profit is linked to a for-profit entity, there should be a clear delineation between business operations to avoid conflicts of interest.
  • Applicants must meet the eligibility stated criteria above. If you are unsure whether your organization is eligible, please contact us.

Application Process

When a grant cycle is open, an announcement will be shown on the Foundation website’s home page and a link to the grant application form will be made available under the “Grants” menu. Other modes of notification and form distribution may also be used when applicable (such as e-mail and/or U.S. mail).

This year we are providing a new Budget Template, which we hope will simplify your application. Please download the budget template, complete it, and attach it to your application.

During the proposal review process, we may ask for a meeting with your organization to learn more about your organizational capacity and plans as well as how you think this grant will help you take your work to the next level.

Funding Limits

The amount your organization may request is set on a per-cycle basis. This limit will be clearly visible on each cycle’s application form. Currently, Community Grants are capped at $5,000 and Solidarity Grants are capped at $1,000.


  • Proposals must be completed and submitted by the due date, as shown on the current cycle’s application form.
  • Funds are released as soon as possible after award decisions are made. The timing of each cycle’s distribution is dependent upon the processing schedule of our fiscal oversight partner (Greater Washington Community Foundation).

How We Operate

The Takoma Foundation is a public charity, operated as a donor-advised fund of the Greater Washington Community Foundation for Montgomery County. The Takoma Foundation’s all-volunteer board raises money from the community to carry out Foundation activities. A committee of the board coordinates the grants process and makes recommendations to the Takoma Foundation board for grant awards.


  1. In calculating annual budgeted revenue, we do not include in-kind donations. Budgeted revenue generally includes donations, grants, membership/subscriptions, and income from the sale of goods or services.